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Introducing the Knowledge Hub

08 July 2024 by James

The News/Blog and our X page have both been quiet recently... but we've been working hard on a brand-new area: the Knowledge Hub!


The Knowledge Hub is a detailed Wiki about everything to do with the Great British rail network. It will take a long time to complete it - there's over 80 articles to write on train types alone - but it will most certainly be worth it!


To write Knowledge Hub articles, we use our own knowledge as well as external sources, such as Wikipedia. To ensure accuracy, we carefully analyse cited sources and conduct further research if we're in doubt.


Over the summer period, we aim to write at least one article per day, but this will be more when time allows. If there's a particular article you'd like written as a priority, leave a comment below or get in touch via X or email.


We hope you enjoy Knowledge Hub as much as we have creating the system. It's still a work in progress but at a state suitable for release, but just note that things are subject to change.


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